Level 1. Can’t Do Any - Build Strength

You are struggling to hit any push ups. Time to build some strength.

Day 1 -

● Incline Push Ups - 3 x 10

● At each set of ten, hold a straight arm plank for as long as possible up to 1 minute

● Take 1 minute between each set

Day 2 -

● Floor Press 5 x 10 (as heavy as you can)

● Bent Over Row 5 x 10 (as heavy as you can)

● Negative Incline Push up holds 3 x 10 (3 second hold)

Day 3 -

● Floor Up Push Ups - 3 x 5 - go as high as you can go and hold for as long as you can

● 3 x 1 Straight arm Plank holds (hold as long as you can)

● 3 x 10 x scap push up

Do 2 cycles of this and test press ups. If you can get 3 good form push ups out, move on the getting more volume.


Level 2. Loss Of Tension - Banana Push Ups