Progress Your Push Ups
We have designed the following programme to help you progress your push up. The first step is to establish which stage you’re at. Once you know that you can jump onto that step and work through those exercises until you’re ready to progress on to the next step. Matt’s videos explain further.
Level 1. Can’t Do Any - Build Strength
You are struggling to hit any push ups.
It’s time to build some strength.
Level 2. Loss Of Tension - Banana Push Ups
You can do some push ups but I can’t stay straight or keep your hips inline.
Level 3. Lack Of Volume… add volume.
You can do some press ups that look pretty decent but you tire quickly and then you’re done.
Level 4. Press Up Ninja.
You are the envy of the gym, but everyone can improve. Time to kick it up a notch.